Appointments by the Corporation


The following appointments have been made by the Corporation:

Instructors for one year from September 1, 1906-L. Allard, French; H. Baulig, French; A. Brun p.'98, French; E. Cary '00. Greek; L. Clarke, Chemistry; W. M. Cole '90, Principles of Accounting; S. Daggett '03, Economics; W. C. Farabee p.'00, Anthropology; J. A. Field '03, Economics; A. Garbutt, Modelling; R. L. Hawkins '03, Romance Languages; W. C. Heilman '00, Music; L. J. Henderson '98, Biological Chemistry; C. N. Jackson '98, Greek; A. B. Lamb '03, Chemistry; S. G. Morley p.'99, Romance Languages; M. Mower, Fine Arts; H. D. Murphy, Drawing from the Life; C. Peabody p.'90, European Archaeology; A. S. Pease '02, Greek and Latin; A. Pope '01, Fine Arts; D. C. Rogers p.'02, Social Ethics; A. M. Tozzer '00, Central American Archaeology; H. B. Warren, Freehand Drawing.

Austin Teaching Fellows for one year from September 1, 1906-A. M. Banta, Zoology; A. C. Boylston '03, Chemistry; E. D. Congdon, Zoology; H. L. Frevert '05, Chemistry; F. W. Johnston '04, Economics; H. B. Kipper s.'04, Chemistry; G. R. Lewis '02, Economics; G. L. Lincoln '96, Romance Languages; S. O. Martin p.'04, Economics; A. G. H. Spiers p.'94, Romance Languages.

Assistants for one year from September 1, 1906-N. S. Bacon '95, Hygiene; W. Bellamy, Chemistry; H. C. Chapin '04, Chemistry; W. B. Dinsmoor, Fine Arts; J. W. Eggleston p.'01, Geology; F. G. Fitzgerald '01, Fine Arts; L. S. Hapgood '97, Hygiene; S. W. Howland '04, Economics; A. M. Hurlin '06, Music; C. P. Huse '04, Economics; F. R. Jouett '96, Hygiene; C. A. Legg '04, Economics; R. M. McConnell p.'02, Social Ethics; E. O. Parker, Drawing; P. H. Provandie m.'98, Hygiene; R. W. Richards, Mineralogy; C. F. Rowley '05, Economics; F. H. Sawyer, Geology; H. V. Skene, Architecture; H. J. Spinden '06, Anthropology.

L. B. Wolbach s.'99, Instructor in Pathology from March 1, 1906, for the remainder of the current academic year.

A. R. Robertson, Assistant in Pathology from April 1, 1906, for the remainder of the current academic year.

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