Moderately Hard Row and Race With Second.--Work Was Satisfactory.


Yesterday afternoon the University crew had moderately hard work again. The men went downstream to within about an eighth of a mile above the Harvard bridge and returned to the University boathouse. Starting out, a slow stroke was maintained and the crew worked only in short stretches until the Longwood bridge was reached. There the second crew was waiting.

After a short rest the University eight continued downstream accompanied by the second for about three-quarters of a mile. On this stretch Tappan maintained a stroke of 28, while Farley kept the second going at least two points higher all the way. In the beginning the second gained half a boat length, but the first had practically overcome this lead, when Coach Wray called to the men to stop.

When the crews had turned around, they drifted upstream with the tide for a few moments, and then had a race for about half a mile upstream as far as the Longwood bridge. On a racing start from the pistol, the University caught first water and gradually pulled ahead. Tappan rowed almost 40 strokes to the minute at the start and the rest of the men were well with him. He went about 30 or 32 most of the time, and in the spurt at the end got up to about 34. He kept his stroke long all the time and appeared to have the right kind of life and fire in his work. The other men in the boat have become accustomed to his rythm and are able to follow him with precision. At times there might have been a little more life in the sight at the catch of their stroke, but generally speaking their work was very satisfactory. Above the Longwood bridge, the eight paddled back to the boathouse in easy stretches.

R.M. Faulkner '09 has been definitely chosen to row number 3 in the race against Columbia on Saturday. W.R. Severance '09, who rowed there until last Saturday, has fallen off somewhat in weight recently, and will be given a rest until Monday.

The orders:

University crew--Stroke, Tappan; 7, Amberg; 6, Glass; 5, Richardson; 4, Bacon; 3, Faulkner; 2, Fish; bow, Burchard; cox., Blagden.

Second crew--Stroke, Farley; 7, Morgan; 6, Lovering; 5, Swaim; 4, Lunt; 3, Macdonald; 2, G. Bacon; bow, Wiggins; cox., Arnold.

E.C. Storrow '89, L. Davis '94, T.N. Manahan M.'98, J.R. Montgomery '06, O.D. Filley '06, W.R. Severance '09, and S.A. Fahnestock '08 watched the practice from the John Harvard.

J.W. Curtiss, Yale '79, has been appointed referee for the race with Columbia on Saturday.

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