Trials for B. A. A. Track Meet


Trials for the three upper class relay teams to compete against each other at the Boston Athletic Association meet on Saturday, February 16, and for the Freshman relay team to compete against the Yale freshmen, were held yesterday afternoon on the board track at Holmes Field. The trials for the University relay team to run against Yale in the same meet will be held Thursday afternoon, if weather conditions permit, after which a final announcement of all the teams will be made.

Individual entries for the B. A. A. meet closed last Saturday night, but entries for the Cambridge port Gymnasium games to be held next Monday evening may be made with J. W. Roberts, Cambridgeport Gymnasium, until tomorrow night.

During this week there will be no morning practice for the track squads, but all men are urged to report regularly at the afternoon hours, 3.30 or 4.30 o'clock.

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