Make-up Final and Anticipatory Examinations


Make-up Final and Anticipatory Examinations in the following courses will be held at 2.30 P. M. in Upper Dane. By the regulations the examinations will not extend over three hours.

Examinations Tomorrow.

Anthropology 7.

Chemistry 8.

Economics 6b.

Economics 9b.

French 2a.

History 12b.

Mathematics 5.

Philosophy E.

Social Ethics 1.

Spanish 1, anticipatory

Friday, October 4.

Chemistry 1.

Geology 16.

German 4.

Land. Arch. 1.


Latin B, anticipatory.

Physics C.

Monday, October 7.

French A.

French 1c.

German A.

Hist. of Religions 2

Latin 6.

Philosophy B.

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