Five Lectures by Professor Lyon


Professor D. G. Lyon h.'01, Curator of the Peabody Museum, will deliver a course of five lectures in Room 1 of the Peabody Museum at 3.30 o'clock on Tuesday and Friday afternoons, beginning next Tuesday, on the general subject of "Hammurabi, king of Babylon, and promulgator of the oldest known code of laws."

This code, dating from about 2250 B.C., was discovered in the winter of 1901-2, and contains 247 laws, engraved on a column of hard stone, about seven feet high. There is a plaster cast of the column in the Peabody Museum.

Professor Lyon's specific subjects will be as follows: March 27, "Hammurabi as warrior, organizer, administrator, and religious devotee;" March 30 and April 3, "Hammurabi a Law-giver;" April 6, "Babylonian Life as revealed in the Hammurabi Code;" April 10. "The Code of Hammurabi compared with other ancient codes."

The lectures will be illustrated by lantern slides, and will be open to the public.

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