In Living Room of Union at 7.30.--Rehearsal of Old and New Songs.


The third football mass meeting will be held in the Living Room of the Union at 7.45 o'clock. B. K. Stephenson '06 will preside and lead the cheering.

The object of the meeting is to rehearse new songs for the Yale game. Of the six original songs selected by the Football Song Committee from the 25 submitted the following have been orchestrated and will certainly be tried:

"Harvard's Day," "Whoop 'er Up a Bit" and "We're Harvard Men." The music of the first two is original; the third is set to the tune of "Auld Lang Syne." All the music tried at this and successive meetings will appear under an assumed name in order to ensure impartiality in the final selection of the two songs which will be sung at the Yale game.

The meeting will be open to all members of the University, whether or not members of the Union.

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