Final Princeton Debate Trial at 7.30


The final trial to select a team for the Princeton debate will be held this evening at 7.30 o'clock in the New Lecture Hall. The question for debate is: "Resolved, That intercollegiate football in America is a detriment rather than a benefit." The affirmative will be defended by A. Fox 3L., W. M. Shohl 1L., and A. Tulin 3L. G. J. Hirsch '07, G. T. Stephenson 2G., and J. A. Harley '06 will support the negative. Each man will make a principal speech of 12 minutes, and a five minute rebuttal speech. The best three speakers will form the final team. The three men not making the first team will be retained as a second team for practice debates, and from the second team an alternate will be selected. The judges will be: Professor G. P. Baker '87, Professor A. S. Hill '53, A. P. Stone '93, R. W. Kelso 2L.

The best undergraduate speaker of the series of trials will be awarded the Coolidge prize of $100.

The trial this evening will be open to the public.

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