Action on the Parkway.


Up to the present time the Cambridge Board of Survey has held three public hearings on the petition presented by the University and the University Associates in January asking that a park-way be constructed from Quincy Square to the Charles River. Unless specially requested, the Board will hold no more hearings, but will collect the evidence already presented. The general argument in favor of the plan is that it will make a suitable terminus for the driveway from Boston to Cambridge and a dignified approach to the University. It has been pointed out that the value of property in Cambridge will be so enhanced as to meet the necessary expense. Those opposed to it say that it is not needed and will only be an unnecessary expense to the city.

Thus far, the Board has considered three plans: The first was drawn by Mr. J.F. O'Brien for a sixty foot street; the second by Mr. Hastings for a seventy foot street; and the third by Mr. Olmstead, a cut of which has been published in the CRIMSON. Of the three the Board of Survey will probably recommend Mr. Hastings's, which makes a readjustment of Mr. Olmstead's lines and cuts off more buildings on the west side of DeWolfe street where the property is less valuable. This plan will probably go before the City government about the middle of May and it will then be decided whether the necessary appropriation will be given.

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