Professor Henry P. Bowditch and Professor J. Collins Warren, who have in charge the attempt to raise the funds necessary for the new Medical School yesterday issued a statement showing the present amount of the fund and the balance to be raised before Commencement day in order to secure the gift of $1,000,000 promised by Mr. J. D. Rockefeller. The total sum necessary for establishing the new plant, $4,950,000, is reduced to $765,000 by application of the funds at the disposal of the School and the gifts of Mr. Morgan and Mr. Rockefeller. Of this remainder $471,000 had been raised, when the circular was issued, by gifts from Mr. James Stillman of New York, from members of the Medical Faculty, and from other donors whose names have not been made public. Since the circular was printed $88,000 in addition has been promised, reducing the sum still required to $206,000. The realization of the project seems therefore almost assured.

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