Regular practice for the University football squad began on Friday, Sept. 20. The call for candidates had been issued for Thursday, and many of the men reported in Cambridge on that day, but on account of the day of morning for the late President McKinley, no work was done. On Friday, forty-four men came out; about the same number as last year. The squad has been steadily increasing, and by the time College opens, it will be at least as large as any in previous years.
Head Coach W. T. Reid '01 arrived in Cambridge last Tuesday, and has been with the candidates at every practice McMaster, who will again train the team, arrived late Friday afternoon coming direct from his steamer, which landed that morning.
The work so far has been elementary and for the most part devoted to the men up and getting them shape for regular playing. For the few days practice has been held morning and afternoon. The squad has taken light dumb-bell and the usual practice in falling the ball. After this, the men have divided into linemen, ends and The linemen have had special in starting and lunging, under Captain Campbell has coached on going down the field under kick Coach Reid has given particular to the backs in their work of and catching punts. From the practice will be advanced a every day in preparation for the game, which will be played next . The squad will be handled on same general plan as in previous All the Freshmen except those unusual ability will be sent to the man squad as soon as it begins the University squad, after all report, will be cut down convenient size. From last year's team Daly substitute Fincke, Ellis and Sawin, graduated last June, and Kendall Gierasch are not expected to College. This leaves the entire field to be built up anew. In the Hallowell and J. Lawrence have graduated. It is impossible as make a fair estimate of the the new material, since many of have not yet reported. Yesterday morning the their first signal practice. In two elevens practiced the following line-ups: Littig, l.e.; Graydon, l.t.; Greene, c.; Barnard, r.g.; Burgess, r.e.; Baldwin, q.b.; r.h.b; Campbell, l.h.b.; Willard, l.e.; Gregg, l.t.; Sugden, c.; O'Connell, r.g.; r.t.; Wilcox, r.e.; Daly, q. l.h.b.; Goodhue, r.h.b.; B. G. Waters, '94, R. Lewis, L. S. '95, B. H. and other graduates, coaching.
The squad will be handled on same general plan as in previous All the Freshmen except those unusual ability will be sent to the man squad as soon as it begins the University squad, after all report, will be cut down convenient size. From last year's team Daly substitute Fincke, Ellis and Sawin, graduated last June, and Kendall Gierasch are not expected to College. This leaves the entire field to be built up anew. In the Hallowell and J. Lawrence have graduated. It is impossible as make a fair estimate of the the new material, since many of have not yet reported. Yesterday morning the their first signal practice. In two elevens practiced the following line-ups: Littig, l.e.; Graydon, l.t.; Greene, c.; Barnard, r.g.; Burgess, r.e.; Baldwin, q.b.; r.h.b; Campbell, l.h.b.; Willard, l.e.; Gregg, l.t.; Sugden, c.; O'Connell, r.g.; r.t.; Wilcox, r.e.; Daly, q. l.h.b.; Goodhue, r.h.b.; B. G. Waters, '94, R. Lewis, L. S. '95, B. H. and other graduates, coaching.
From last year's team Daly substitute Fincke, Ellis and Sawin, graduated last June, and Kendall Gierasch are not expected to College. This leaves the entire field to be built up anew. In the Hallowell and J. Lawrence have graduated. It is impossible as make a fair estimate of the the new material, since many of have not yet reported. Yesterday morning the their first signal practice. In two elevens practiced the following line-ups: Littig, l.e.; Graydon, l.t.; Greene, c.; Barnard, r.g.; Burgess, r.e.; Baldwin, q.b.; r.h.b; Campbell, l.h.b.; Willard, l.e.; Gregg, l.t.; Sugden, c.; O'Connell, r.g.; r.t.; Wilcox, r.e.; Daly, q. l.h.b.; Goodhue, r.h.b.; B. G. Waters, '94, R. Lewis, L. S. '95, B. H. and other graduates, coaching.
Yesterday morning the their first signal practice. In two elevens practiced the following line-ups: Littig, l.e.; Graydon, l.t.; Greene, c.; Barnard, r.g.; Burgess, r.e.; Baldwin, q.b.; r.h.b; Campbell, l.h.b.; Willard, l.e.; Gregg, l.t.; Sugden, c.; O'Connell, r.g.; r.t.; Wilcox, r.e.; Daly, q. l.h.b.; Goodhue, r.h.b.; B. G. Waters, '94, R. Lewis, L. S. '95, B. H. and other graduates, coaching.
Littig, l.e.; Graydon, l.t.; Greene, c.; Barnard, r.g.; Burgess, r.e.; Baldwin, q.b.; r.h.b; Campbell, l.h.b.; Willard, l.e.; Gregg, l.t.; Sugden, c.; O'Connell, r.g.; r.t.; Wilcox, r.e.; Daly, q. l.h.b.; Goodhue, r.h.b.; B. G. Waters, '94, R. Lewis, L. S. '95, B. H. and other graduates, coaching.
Willard, l.e.; Gregg, l.t.; Sugden, c.; O'Connell, r.g.; r.t.; Wilcox, r.e.; Daly, q. l.h.b.; Goodhue, r.h.b.; B. G. Waters, '94, R. Lewis, L. S. '95, B. H. and other graduates, coaching.
B. G. Waters, '94, R. Lewis, L. S. '95, B. H. and other graduates, coaching.