Provisional Order of Final Examinations.


The daily exercises in all the courses will close for the year on Tuesday, May 29, at 4.30 p. m. Thursday, May 31. Semitic 16  Class. Phil. 25 German E  German F German G  Economics 6 Economics 16  Architecture 4a Architecture 4b  Architecture 4c Music 1  Music 6 Chemistry B  Botany 3 English 37  Philosophy 14 Mining 4  Engineering 13a Engineering 21 2.30 p. m. Latin 3 Friday, June 1. Education 1  French A French 1a  Rom. Phil. 2 Government 9  Economics 7b Saturday, June 2. German 4  German 25 French 2aI  Spanish 1I and II Government 4  Economics 3 Engineering 3a  Engineering 7a Engineering 10e  Physics C Class. Phil. 58  Philosophy 11 Engineering 4d  Geology 25 Monday, June 4. Semitic 12  Greek C Latin 12  German 1a German 10  French 1bI Italian 3  Slavic 1b History 12  Philosophy 9 Mathematics F  Astronomy 3 Engineering 1c  Physics 9 Mineralogy 12  English 8b French 7  Mathematics 14a Engineering 5d  Engineering 12c Engineering 17a Botany 4 Mining 10 Tuesday, June 5. Greek B  German 2a Scandinavian 2  History 2 History 23  Government 14 Economics 15  Architecture 1a Mathematics 6  Chemistry 1 Chemistry 6  Geology 4 Greek 15  Class. Phil. 28 English 5  German 26 History 8a  Geology 5 Mining 3 Wednesday, June 6. Greek E  Greek F Greek 3  Greek 7 Thursday, June 7. Latin 15  English 1 French 1c  History 1 History 18  History 21 Economics 1  Fine Arts 4 Architecture 3b  Music 2 Engineering 16d  Chemistry 5 Geology 8  Geology 21 Archaeology 1  English 33 Engineering 12b  Physics 6 Friday, June 8. Latin 7  Latin 9 Italian 1  Economics 5 Philosophy 1b  Engineering 10b Engineering 14a  Indo-Iranian 5 Mathematics E  Engineering 4a Saturday, June 9. Semitic 15  Greek G Latin B  Latin 10 English 4  German AII French 1bII  French 14 French 18  History 13 Economics 11  Philosophy 3 Education 3II  Mathematics 10 Physics 3  Class. Phil. 33 English 25  English 36 Chemistry 8  Mining 1 Latin 2 Monday, June 11. Semitic 1  Greek 1 Latin C  Class Phil. 55 English 34  German CII German 1b  Geology 11 German 2  German 5 Spanish 2  History 10 Economics 4  Philosophy 7 Education 3I  Mathematics 2 Mathematics 5  Mathematics 7a Mathematics 11  Engineering 5a Chemistry 3  Latin 8 English 3  English 11 Engineering 3d  Engineering 3e Tuesday, June 12. Semitic 4  Greek 2 Greek 6  Class. Phil. 24 Class. Phil. 44  English 28 French 6c  French 6 French 9  Rom. Phil. 3 History 14  Government 15 Philosophy 5  Mathematics 13 Mathematics 19  Physics 1 Physics 4  Zoology 9 Geology 10  English 9 History 28  Education 4 Engineering 8a  Engineering 16e Botany 1  Hygiene 1 Wednesday, June 13. Latin 1  Latin 6 Class. Philol. 40  English 2 German B  French 2aII French 2c  French 11 French 16  History 9 Philosophy 12  Architecture 1c Mathematics 4  Geology 14 Geology 14a  Mineralogy 2 Mining 5  History 7a Engineering 1d  Engineering 6a Zoology 5  Geology B Thursday, June 14. Greek A  Greek 8 German 1c  French 13 Italian 2  Spanish 5 Rom. Phil. 4  Slavic 1a History 26a  Government 1 Economics 14  Philosophy 6 Philosophy 13  Fine Arts 3 Mathematics 25  Mil. & Naval Sci. 1 Zoology 3  Geology 20 German 12  Economics 20 Astronomy 2  Engineering 4e Engineering 6d  Engineering 11b Chemistry 7 Friday, June 15. Spanish 1III  Class. Phil. 43 History 6  History 19 Economics 2  Philosophy 1a Fine Arts 1  Music 3 Mathematics C  Mathematics 3 Mining 6  Indo-Iranian 3 Philosophy 10  Mathematics B Chemistry 10  Zoology 2 Archaeology 2 Saturday, June 16. Semitic 7  Semitic 13 Latin A  Class. Phil. 51 English 13  Philosophy 4a Fine Arts 2  Architecture 6 Music 5  Chemistry 4 Geology 15  Indo-Iranian 1 German 11  Education 10a 2.30 p. m. Latin E,  Latin F Monday, June 18. Greek 13  German AI German CI  German 8 Physics B  Archaeology 5 Wednesday, June 20. Semitic 2  Semitic 6 English A  French 17 Architecture 2a  Botany 5 Geology 22

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