Signal Practice Yesterday Afternoon.--Boal Out Again.


The University team had half an hour's secret practice yesterday afternoon before leaving for Philadelphia. The men went through the work briskly and seemed to be in excellent condition to stand the strain of Saturday's game. An innovation introduced was practice in lunging. The men stood in line and at the signal of a pistol shot lunged forward at full length. It is expected that this new mode of practice, though somewhat tardy in its introduction, will be of service to the linemen when playing low on the defense. In the fifteen minutes of sharp signal practice which followed, a number of new trick plays were tried successfully. After signal practice the first eleven lined up for five minutes against the second team. No scoring was done as the first team kept on the defensive by kicking the ball every time it came into its possession, and effectually stopped all the plays of the second. Boal's re-appearance in his position and his quick work were another encouraging feature of the practice. The team seemed to work as a unit, the only faults being the fumbling of Kendall, and Burnett's high passing for kicks. This is certainly a dangerous element, but there is no reason why it should not be easily eradicated.

At a quarter to four the team boarded their special car at the car-barn on Boylston street. A crowd of about four hundred men had gathered and cheered lustily as the car started off, the cheering being led by R. W. Bliss '00. The team went by the Fall River line to New York, whence they will leave this morning for Philadelphia.

Nothing but light signal practice will be done today in order that every man may be in the best possible condition for the game.

The line-up of the practice follows: First.  Second. Campbell, l.e.  r.e., Cooper. Donald, l.t.  r.t., Peyton. A. R. Sargent, l.g.  r.g., Barnard. Burnett, c.  c., Kasson. Burden, r.g.  l.g., Wheeler. Lawrence, r.t.  l.t., Talbot. Hallowell, r.e.  l.e., Gray. Daly, q.b.  q.b., E. Motley. Sawin, l.h  r.h., Martin. Kendall, r.h.  l.h., Noyes. Reid, f.b.  f.b., Clay.

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