The Cercle Play


The Cercle Francais has decided to give this year a play of Cyrano de Bergerac's entitled "Pedant Joue." It is a farce of the pre-classic school, and is after the manner of the early Italian plays. The performances will be given during the second and third weeks in December,--three in Cambridge and two in Boston.

The trial of candidates for the speaking parts is to be held in Randolph 48 on next Thursday at 8 p. m., and will be open to all members of the University having a speaking knowledge of French.

A series of lectures on French literature will be given next spring by Henri de Regnier, who will take as his general subject: "Modern French Poetry." The titles of the eight lectures and the dates on which they will be given are as follows:

March 1. Leo Parnassiens symbolistes. Les origines de la poesie contemporaine.

March 3. Villiers de l'Isle Adam et les poetes en prose.

March 6. Paul Verlaine. Le sentiment dans Part.

March 8. Stephane Mallarme,--La poesie et la musique.

March 10. La nouvelle ecole politique.

March 13. Les poetes d'aujourd'hui. Oevres et portraits. Moreas, Kahn, Laforgue, Stuart Merrill, Francis Viele-Griffin, etc.

March 15. Le Symbolisme en Belgique.

March 17. Les Junes. L'avenir de la poesie.

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