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ORDER OF FINAL EXAMINATIONS, 1897.Examinations begin at 9.15 A. M., except those specially announced below for 1.30 P. M.

Thursday, June 3.Greek E. Upper Mass.

Greek F. Upper Mass.

Greek 7. Upper Mass.

Latin 3. Upper Mass.

German 5. Upper Mass.

German 92. Upper Mass.

Philosophy 6. Divinity Lib.

Geology 12. Lower Mass.

Geology 3. Lower Mass.

Friday, June 4.Greek 10. Harvard 5, 6.

Latin 2. Sever 35.

English 212. Sever 35.

English 322. Up. and Low. Dane.

French 14. Sever 35.

Slavic 1. Sever 35.

Philosophy 3. Sever 35.

History 13. Up. and Low. Mass.

Economics 11. Lower Mass.

Mathematics 10. Harvard 5.

Mil. Science 22 Geol. Lect. Room.

Chemistry 82. L. S. S. 1.

Mining 12, 5. Geol. Lect. Room.

Engin. 12c. Rogers Bldg.

1.30 P. M.English A Up. and Lower Mass. Harvard 5 and 6. Sever 35. Up. and Lower Dane.

Saturday, June 5.Semitic 3. Sever 29.

Latin 1. Sever 29, 30.

Latin 6. Sever 17.

Class. Phil. 532. Sever 30.

English 2. Sever 35.

English 112. Harvard 5.

English 29. Upper Mass.

German B. Harvard 6.

German 7. Harvard 6.

French 2c. Upper Mass.

French 11. Sever 17.

French 15. Sever 17.

Comp. Lit. 2. Sever 17.

History 9. Upper Dane.

Architecture 1b. L. S. S. 1.

Mathematics 4. Lower Mass.

Mathematics 7a. Lower Dane.

Mathematics 16. Lower Dane.

Engineering 1d. Lower Mass.

Physics 9. Lower Mass.

Zoology 52. Lower Dane.

Mineralogy 2. Mineral. Lab.

Monday, June 7.Semitic 13. Sever 5.

Sanskrit 12. Sever 5.

English 72. Up. and Low. Mass.

English 23. Sever 17.

German 6. Sever 17.

Germanic Phil. 142. Harvard 6.

Italian 3. Harvard 6.

Philos. 1 (History) Sever 35, U. and L. Dane.

Economics 2. Harvard 6.

Fine Arts 1. Upper Mass.

Mathematics B2. Harvard 5.

Mathematics C. Harvard 5.

Mathematics 3. Harvard 5.

Mathematics 17. Harvard 5.

Chemistry 10. Sever 5.

Zoology 22. Geol. Lect. Room.

Mining 6. Geol. Lect. Room.

Archaeology 1. Peabody Museum.

Chemistry 10. Sever 5.

Zoology 22. Geol. Lect. Room.

Mining 6. Geol. Lect. Room.

Archaeology 1. Peabody Museum.

Tuesday, June 8.Semitic 7. Sever 30.

Greek A. Sever 29.

Greek 8. Sever 30.

Latin B. Sever 17.

Latin DI. Sever 18.

English 32. Sever 5.

German C. Sever 23 and 24.

German 1c. Upper Dane.

Italian 2. Sever 5.

Rom. Phil. 4. Sever 18.

Rom. Phil. 6. Sever 18.

Philosophy 13. Divinity Lib.

Government 72. Harvard 5 and 6.

Economics 14. Harvard 5.

Mathematics 12. L. S. S. 1.

Mathematics 25. Sever 30.

Engineering 4e. L. S. S. 1.

Engineering 6c. L. S. S. 1.

Engineering. 11a Geol. Lect. Room.

Zoology 3. Geol. Lect. Room.

Geology 20. Geol. Lect. Room.

Fine Arts 4. U. and L. Mass., Sev. 35, Lower Dane.

Wednesday, June 9.Greek 3. Upper Mass.

Latin E. Upper Mass.

Latin F. Upper Mass.

Latin 7. Upper Mass.

German 4. Upper Mass.

Engineering 5a. Upper Mass.

Thursday, June 10.Semitic 6. Upper Mass.

Egyptian. Upper Mass.

Greek 2. Sever 29.

Greek 6. Sever 30.

Class. Phil. 38. Sever 30.

English 28. Lower Mass.

German 3. Harvard 5.

German 10. Upper Mass.

French 1a. Sever 35.

French 6c. Lower Dane.

French 10. Sever 17.

Slavic 2. Sever 17.

Rom. Phil. 3. Sever 18.

Comp. Lit. 1. Sever 17.

Philosophy 5. Sever 5 and 6.

Philosophy 8. Sever 18.

Government 4. Upper Dane.

Government 12. Sever 35.

Economics 9. Harvard 6.

Architecture 2a. Arch. Bldg.

Mathematics 13. L. S. S. 1.

Engineering 8a. L. S. S. 1.

Physics 1. Geol. Lect. Room.

Physics 4. Geol. Lect. Room.

Botany 12. Upper Mass.

Geology 10. Geol. Lect. Room.

Geology 13. Zool. Mus. 2.

Hygiene 12. Sever 23 and 24.

Friday, June 11.Semitic 11. Sever 35.

Sanskrit 32. Sever 35.

Class. Phil. 54. Divinity Lib.

English 13. Sever 35.

French 1c. Sever 35.

Philosophy 4. Upper Mass.

Philosophy 18. Upper Mass.

Government 5. Upper Mass.

Fine Arts 2. Sever 35.

Music 5. Upper Mass.

Mathematics 24. Upper Mass.

Government 5. Upper Mass.

Fine Arts 2. Sever 35.

Music 5. Upper Mass.

Mathematics 24. Upper Mass.

Friday, June 11. Concluded,Chemistry 4. Upper Mass.

Geology 15. Zool. Mus. 2.

Saturday, June 12.Semitic 4. Sever 30.

Greek B. Sever 29, 30.

Classical Philology 392 Sever 17.

Classical Philology 502 Sever 17.

German 2. Lower Dane.

Germanic Philol. 17 Lower Dane.

Philosophy 1 Geol. Lect. Room. Sever 35. Harvard 5.

(Psychology) Geol. Lect. Room. Sever 35. Harvard 5.

History 3. Harvard 6.

History 11. Harvard 6.

Economics 15. Upper Dane.

Architecture 1a. Upper Dane.

Engineering 2b. L. S. S. 1.

Chemistry 1. Up. and Low. Mass.

Chemistry 6. Upper Dane.

Geology 62. Univ. Mus.

Mining 32. Univ. Mus.

1.30 P. M.Geology 4. Upper Mass., Lower Mass., Geol. Lec. Rm.

Geology 5. Geol. Lect. Room.

Monday, June 14.Semitic 12. Upper Mass.

Greek C. Sever 29, 30.

Latin 12. Sever 30.

German 1a. Sever 17, 18, 24.

French 1b. Sever 35.

French 82. Sever 23.

Italian 4. Upper Mass.

Philosophy 9. Upper Mass.

Philosophy 16. Sever 5.

History 7. Sever 5, 6.

History 122. Lower Mass., Harvard 5 and 6. Lower Dane.

Economics 122. Lower Dane.

Mathematics F Geol. Lect. Room.

Engineering 1c. Upper Dane.

Engineering 2c. L. S. S. 4.

Botany 42. Geol. Lect. Room.

Mineralogy 12. Mineral. Lab.

Tuesday, June 15.Class. Phil. 51. Sever 35.

German 8. Sever 35.

French 2a. Lower Mass.

Spanish 1. Upper Mass.

Rom. Phil. 22. Sever 35.

Philosophy 11. Upper Mass.

Government 13. Sever 35.

Economics 3. Sever 35.

Engineering 3a. Geol. Lect. Room.

Engineering 4c. Upper Mass.

Engineering 7a. Rogers Bldg.

Engineering 10c. Rindge School.

Engineering 10d. Rindge School.

Engineering 10e. Rindge School.

Engineering 16f. Upper Mass.

Physics C. Upper Mass.

Physics 2. Upper Mass.

Wednesday, June 16.Architecture 4a. Arch. Bldg.

Architecture 4b. Arch. Bldg.

Thursday, June 17.Class. Phil. 332. Sever 35.

English 1. Sever 6.

French 6. Sever '35.

Thursday, June 17. Concluded.Comp. Lit. 222. Sever 5.

Philosophy 12. Sever 35.

History 6. Div. Lib. 4.

History 17. Sever 5.

Economics 1. Up. and Low. Mass., Harvard 5 and 6, Up. and Low. Dane.

Mathematics 8. Sever 35.

Engineering 6a. Sever 5.

Engineering 22. L. S. S. 1.

Physics 62. L. S. S. 1.

Chemistry 5. Sever 5.

Geology 8. Zool. Mus. 2.

1.30 P. M.History 1. Upper and Lower Mass., Harvard 5 and 6, Lower Dane.

Friday, June 18.Sanskrit 5. Lower Mass.

Latin 8. Lower Mass.

Italian 1. Lower Mass.

Government 10. Lower Mass.

Economics 7. Upper Mass.

Mathematics E2. Upper Mass.

Engineering 4a. Upper Mass.

Engineering 10a. L. S. S. 1.

Engineering 10b. Lower Mass.

Engineering 14a. L. S. S. 1.

Engineering 16e L. S. S. Wing B.

Saturday, June 19.Semitic 1. Sever 35.

Greek 1. Sever 35.

Latin A. Sever 35.

Latin C. Lower Mass.

Latin DII. Sever 35.

English 4. Sever 5.

English 14. Sever 5.

English 16. Sever 5.

German 1b. Harvard 5.

Spanish 2. Harvard 5.

Philosophy 7. Divinity Lib.

History 8. Harvard 6.

History 10. Upper Mass.

Economics 4. Harvard 6.

Mathematics 2. Sever 23, 24.

Mathematics 5. Sever 24.

Engineering 3d. L. S. S. 1.

Chemistry 3. Up. and Low. Dane.

Monday, June 21.Semitic 14. Lower Mass.

Classical Philol. 25. Sever 35.

German E. Sever 35.

German F. Sever 35.

German G. Sever 35.

Economics 162. Sever 35.

Music 1. Lower Mass.

Music 6. Lower Mass.

Chemistry B. Lower Mass.

Botany 3. Bot. Mus.

Zoology 11. Zool. Mus., 2d floor.

Tuesday, June 22.Semitic 2. Lower Mass.

German A U. and L. Mass., L. Dane.

French A. Harvard 5 and 6.

Music 7. Lower Dane.

Botany 5. Bot. Mus.

Wednesday, June 23.Physics B. Lower Mass.

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