

FRESHMAN BASEBALL. - Practice this afternoon at Soldiers Field at 4 p.m. sharp. All men that can, be out at 3 p.m. to bat. If rainy the practice will be in the cage.

B. H. HAYES, Temp. Capt.HARVARD ENGINEERING SOCIETY. - There will be a meeting of the Civil Engineering Section this evening at 7.30 in Thayer 9.

W. H. HERSCHEL, Sec.CHESS CLUB. - Regular weekly meeting at 7 p.m., Tuesday, in Little's 7. There will be a match between picked teams.

E. E. SOUTHARD, Sec.HARVARD ADVOCATE. - There will be a meeting of the board of editors of the Harvard Advocate tonight at 7.30 o'clock in 18 Holyoke House.

J. A. GADE, Sec.THERE will be a meeting of the literary committee of the Harvard Advocate today at 5 p.m., in 18 Holyoke House.

J. A. GADE, Sec.STUDENT VOLUNTEER COMMITTEE. - Mr. Birtwell will be in Grays 17 this morning from 9.30 till 12.30 to talk with men about charity work.

ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY. - The Rev. Edward Abbott, D. D., will address the society in 17 Grays on Wednesday, March 27, at 6.45. The meeting will be over at 7.30.

LACROSSE. - Men must be on Soldiers Field dressed to play at 4 o'clock sharp.

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