Cricket Team Loses.

[Associated Press.]


PHILADELPHIA, May 22.- The University of Pennsylvania defeated Harvard today in the first of the games for the intercollegiate cricket championship. The Pennsylvanians scored the winning run five minutes before the time fixed for the drawing of stumps and with five wickets to spare. The visitors went to the bat first and ended the first inning with a lead of 31 runs, but in the second their bowlers went to pieces and the victory was easy.

Pennsylvania began her second inning at 4.55 and concluded the match one hour later. The game was played on the grounds of the Germantown Cricket Club at Manheim. Tomorrow the visitors will cross bats with Haverford, the only other college eleven in the association and the final game of the series will be played between Pennsylvania and Haverford at a later day.

The score in the first inning was: Harvard 69, University of Pennsylvania 38; in the second inning, Harvard 60, University of Pennsylvania 92. Total, University of Pennsylvania 130; Harvard 129.

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