The New Reading Room in Gore Hall Open Today.


The new reading room of the Gore Hall library will be open to students this morning.

The reserved books which have been kept in Lower Massachusetts have been transferred to the reading room in Gore Hall with the exception of the following: Colonial Histories, U. S. Histories, U. S. Documents, Cong. Records, Statutes, and Hansard's Debates. These will remain in Lower Massachusetts until the Art Room is ready to receive them.

The Library is open on week-days for the delivery of books from 9 a. m. till 5.30 p. m. The Readingroom is open from 9 a. m. till 10 p. m.; Sundays from 1 till 5 p. m. The use of reserved and reference books will be confined hereafter to the Readingroom, since the necessity for letting them go out over night has ceased with the lengthened hours during which the Reading-room is open.

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