The Law Clubs.


There are at present seven clubs in connection with the Law School. Four of these consist of a Supreme Court and a Superior Court, each numbering eight men. Only second or third year men are eligible to the Supreme Court. These clubs have in addition to the lower courts a Court of Appeals, made up exclusively of members of the club who return to the school for a third time.

The Superior Court of each club meets, as a rule, every week. Two men are chosen counsel for each meeting and they argue a case before the other six men who sit as judges. The chief justice is always a member of the Supreme Court and he hands down the case which is to be argued.

The proceedings of the Supreme Court are much the same except that the chief justice is either one of the professors in the school, or a member of the Court of Appeals, if there is one, or else a judge from the Supreme Court itself. BIE

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