History of the Cornell Navy.


The following is a history of the defeats and victories of Cornell crews since 1872.

Cornell's first important race was in this year when she was defeated by Courtney's crew from Union Springs and in 1873 she took fourth place among eleven contestants at the Intercollegiate

Regatta at Springfield.

The first victory for Cornell occurred the next year when she beat Courtney's crew. In 1875 the 'Varsity and Freshman crews both won the intercollegiate championships. The 'Varsity also won the next year, with Harvard second. Yale withdrew from the association that year and left Cornell the champion American college crew. In 1877 there, was no 'Varsity race but the Cornell Freshmen won from Harvard.

In 1879 Cornell was defeated by Columbia and Wesleyan, but in 1880 she defeated Columbia and University of Pennsylvania. In 1882 Cornell was again defeated by University of Pennsylvania, Wesleyan and Princeton. The next year Cornell won, and in 1884 she lost the Child's Cup to University of Pennsylvania. In the next year the first and second places were exchanged. There were no races in 1886, but in the next year Cornell won in the Passaic River Rowing Association. Cornell also won the intercollegiate race that year at Worcester.

At New London in 1889 Cornell won from Columbia and University of Pennsylvania. In this race. she established a world's record for one and one half miles in an eight-oar in six minutes and forty seconds. In 1890 the 'Varsity and Freshmen won all the intercollegiate races, and the next year the same thing occurred and a new world's record for three miles in an eight-oar 14 minutes 27 1-2 seconds was established. In 1892 the Cornell Freshmen won from Columbia and the 'Varsity from University of Pennsylvania.

The Cornell 'Varsity crews have won twenty-one races and lost six and had one foul. The Freshmen have won five and lost none.

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