Fact and Rumor.


The course at the Cornell Law School has been changed so as to require three years work instead of two as formerly.

The Exeter baseball nine is already practicing regularly in the cage, coached by Captain Miller.

At the University of Michigan trees are planted as Memorials of the graduating classes instead of ivy, as is the general custom.

Dr. Coolidge and C. Grilk '98, were among the speakers on the annexation of Hawaii at the dinner of the Massachusetts Reform Club last Saturday.

French's bust of the late General Walker which was secured through the general subscriptions of the undergraduates is to be presented to M. I. T. on Jan. 5.

The seniors won the M. I. T. class games last Friday by a margin of three points. A new Tech record of 4 3 5s. was made in the 35 yards low hurdles by Burch '99.

During the last eight years 27 Yale men, 23 Princeton, 22 Harvard, 15 University of Pennsylvania and one Cornell man have been chosen on the all-American elevens.

The Harvard Union at its last meeting voted that the four men who made the Sophomore debating team on Dec. 16 be eligible for membership in the Union without further trial.

The work on the new baseball cage has been delayed by the failure of the steel companies to fulfill their contract on time. It is still too early to say when the cage will be completed.

The Yale basket ball team will play about twenty games during the season. The team will probably take a holiday trip to the South and some time during the year meet Chicago University.

The Illustrated American's annual review of the football season occupies four pages in the issue to be put on sale on Wednesday, December 22. Mr. Patterson's comment treats the leading eastern college players with care and discrimination. The men from the smaller colleges receiving as thorough consideration as those from the larger institutions. There are pictures of twenty-four college players, among them Dibblee, Moulton and Doucette.

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