Fact and Rumor.


Yale has a new dormitory.

Sanford, '85, will remain in Europe during the coming year.

The university nine was practising on Holmes Field yesterday.

Edward Everett Hale will conduct Chapel prayers during October.

The foot-ball team has received a challenge from Stevens Institute.

William DeWitt Hyde, Harvard, '79, is the new President of Bowdoin.

The first issue of Harvard's Literary Monthly will appear on October 21st.

Mr. Clymer will meet the sophomore class to-day at 2 o'clock, in Sever 11.

Subscriptions to the CRIMSON may be left at the Co-operative office. Terms: $3.50 per year.

The first number of the Advocate for the ensuing college year appears tomorrow.

The tennis courts are being put into condition for playing. They will be ready in a few days.

President Eliot did not go abroad this year, contrary to the general expectation.

Capt. Peters of the Yale eleven had his men at work a week before the opening of the college term.

A foot-ball league has been formed by Yale, Princeton, Wesleyan and the University of Pennsylvania.

Eighty-nine is deprived of a freshman pleasure. Frederic Lutz, the instructor in German, celebrated his summer vacation by marrying Miss Marcia Woodman of Cambridge.

The improved typographical appearance of the CRIMSON is due to the efforts of Mr. H. E. Lombard.

A new assignment of seats at prayers will be made to-morrow morning for sophomores from Adams to Gilbert.

The freshman classes at various colleges number as follows: Yale, 134; Princeton, 102; Amherst, 98; Dartmouth, 76.

G. S. Mumford, '87 will captain the crew this year; W. B. Phillips, '86, the base-ball nine; and F. C. Hood, '86, the lacrosse team.

The gymnasium has been thoroughly renovated during the vacation, and will be open for the first time to-day at the usual hour.

The Cambridge base-ball nine has challenged Harvard. The game probably will be played in the course of ten days or two weeks.

The seats to be occupied by juniors at prayers will be in pews 54-39 on the floor on the right going in. Seats will be assigned to-morrow.

Freshmen who wish to consult the instructors in French can do so on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, at 8.30, 10 a. m. and 2 p. m., in Sever 19 or 23.

The placards of the Yale game as well as those of the other games that have not been called for may be obtained at the store of Leavitt & Peirce.

All students are requested to leave their addresses at the Post Office immediately. A large number of letters without sufficient directions are at the office.

The base-ball management will arrange a number of games this fall in order to arouse as great an interest as possible, and secure a large number of candidates.

Eighty-five sends a large delegation to the Law School. Storrow, Baldwin, Norton, Williams, Goodale, Hobbs, Davidson, Davis, Trask, Nutter, Simes and Cushing have all entered the first year class.

Students will register to-day between 9 a. m. and 1 p. m., as follows: seniors in Sever 11; juniors in Sever 2; sophomores in Sever 5; freshmen in University 2. Special students will register at 10 a. m. in Harvard 5.

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