Course on Modern Thinkers.

Lecture VI: The Romantic School in Philosophy.


Topics of the Lecture:-

1. Schopenhaner as forming a Transition from the Romantic Philosophy to the Modern Study of the Natural Order.

2. The Problem of Idealism, and the need of a return to Experience. Meaning of this Return.

3. The Doctrine of Evolution as an Outcome of this Movement.

4. The Rise of the Modern Historical School in the years about 1815 Close relations of this School to the Romanticists.

5. The Historical Method in the Natural Sciences: Culmination in Darwin and Spencer.

6. The True Problem of the Philosophy of Evolution.

[The growth of the modern historical movement can be best suggested by the following incomplete list of abbreviated titles of "epochmaking" books, pioneer in very various departments of research. Such works mark the increasingly extended application of the historical method, with its accompanying idea of Evolution. to more and more regions of knowledge. as well as the growth of this Idea itself. Few of these books are technically considered. philosophical treatises. Out of the whole mass of such, and their successors in each department, the Philosophy of Evolution has grown. Dates of first editions alone are meant. The books are chosen as pioneers not always as of an equally permanent worth:-

Savigny's Roman Law. 1815.

Grimm's German Tales, 1816.

Lachmann's Essay on the Nihelungenlied. 1816

Boeckh's Public Economy of the Athenians 1817.

Griffie's German Grammar. 1819.

William V. Humboldi's early philological and Oriental Studies, 1812-1820.

Ritter's Comparative Geography. 1817

Offried Muller's Dorians, 1824.

Von Bae's Embryology of Animals, 1828-37.

Ranke's Southern Europe in the 16th and 17th Centuries, 1827.

Lyell's Principles of Geology, 1830.

Strauss's Life of Jesus, 1835.

Bopp's Comparative Grammar, 1833-52.

Agassiz "Fossil Fishes," 1833-42.

Mommsen's Roman History, 1854.

Grote's History of Greece, 1846 1856.

Spencer's Psychology, 1855.

Darwin's Origin of Species, 1859.

Spencer's First Principles, 1862.

Max Muller's Lectures on Science of Language, 1861-64.

Maine's Ancient Law. 1861.

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