University of Pennsylvania Notes.


The bowl fight between the sophomore and freshman classes was continued for two hours and at last resulted in a draw. The classes were evenly matched, but the freshmen lacked endurance, two of them fainting during the fight.

Over a thousand invitations were sent out for the junior ball, which was one of the most successful social events ever held in the College Hall.

The Athletic Association has been embarrassed financially during the past year and has been compelled to call upon the alumni for aid.

The candidates for the Mott Haven team have been divided into squads for the special work they are to take up. The sprinters will be under the charge of Kulp, of the Medical School; the long-distance runners under Hulme,'89; the jumpers and pole-vaulters under Webster, who won the high jump at the intercollegiate games last year; the shot and hammer men under Bowser.

In spite of the rumors to the contrary, it has been definitely ascertained that Wagenhurst, the captain of the nine, has signed with the New Yorks. Upde, who played third base last season, has been chosen captain in his place.

The refusal of Columbia to join the proposed league has made it necessary that Lehigh should be asked to join. In case Lehigh accepts, the league will be composed of Cornell, Lafayette, Lehigh and the University of Pennsylvania.

Three of the members of the cricket eleven are on the American team which sails for England early in the summer, and they will probably be unable to play on the college team. last year the cricket eleven received hearty and financial support from the university, and the Pennsylvanian is strongly urging the formation of a cricket association which shall take the entire management of the team.

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