Fact and Rumor.


There is to be a meeting of the Board of Overseers today.

The Brown tennis association has a membership of 62.

A series of class foot ball games is in progress at Dartmouth.

There were cuts in N. H. 3 and Political Economy 8, yesterday.

Williams will play Harvard at foot ball to-morrow at 3.30.

A great many instructors gave "cuts" yesterday in their courses.

Yale, '88, beat Amherst, '88, in foot ball by 58 to 0 in a recent game at Hartford.

The first lecture in History 13 will be given tomorrow in Dane Hall by Dr. Hart.

The foot ball game planned between Amherst and Harvard has been given up.-[Ex.

The Institute of Technology has hired the Union Athletic Grounds for the season.

The co-operative society at the University of Michigan already has 200 members.

Complaints are being made at Princeton of money being stolen from student's rooms.

The invitations to the Roberts Hall Assemblies were out on Monday. C. G. Parker and E. B. Young of the senior class are the managers.

Two new tennis courts have been furnished the Amherst students by the authorities.

Several men might have been seen casting their votes at the voting place for precinct 2 of this ward.

The University of Pennsylvania defeated Lafayette in foot ball last Saturday by a score of 21 to 0.

Adams, the centre rush of the Princeton eleven weighs 215 pounds. Before training, he weighed 240 pounds.

The disguise of the police squad in the procession was so perfect that they were taken for the 'Varsity nine.

A foot ball team composed of ex-university players of Yale and Princeton, are proposing a trip among the colleges.

A large number of college men went to Boston last evening to see the election returns posted at the newspaper offices.

Those who rose early yesterday morning might have seen an '88 "plug," hat on the classic head of John Harvard.

The cheapness of the tickets for the round trip to Canada and back with the eleven, ought to induce a large number to accompany our foot ball team on this pleasant trip.

We heard of one man who marched in Monday's procession, getting 52 handkerchiefs or "wipes" as they are euphoniously called. This does not beat the record, which is 63. Others, are yet to be heard from.

Members of Political Economy 1 have been obliged to go without their books so far this term, as the new edition, revised by Prof. Laughlin has not appeared. Members will be glad to know that the book will surely be at the co-operative today or tomorrow, and that they will no longer have to depend upon notes upon lectures alone.

A party of 200 students in Toronto, Canada, returning home late one evening last week singing songs, and raising a racket generally, was broken up by the police. One student, the son of a prominent member of the Dominion government, was given his choice by the court next day of paying a fine, together with costs, or of making a 30 days' sojourn in jail.

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