Special Notices.

Notices, if not more than five lines, inserted in this column for 50 cents each insertion, of $2.00 a week. For over five lines, the rates are doubled. Short "Lost" and "Found" notices, if inserted once, free; every additional insertion 50 cents. Al


There are four seats at general tables, 13 Bow street. 2t

FOR SALE.- A Ruddock single shell, in good second hand condition. Apply F. CRIMSON office. 36tf

A gentleman wishes to let two rooms for the remainder of the season. Apply at 11 Mason St. 35 tf

TO LAW STUDENTS.- Tutoring in Property I. Torts and other first year subjects.

C, H. MILLS, 17 Dunster St.FOR SALE.- World Type Writer, almost new. $9: cost price $15. Address "J. W.," CRIMSON office.

FRENCH LESSONS.- A Parisian having successfully taught French in Boston and vicinity, is willing to find some more pupils. Lessons at home. Moderate prices. A chance to improve rapidly before the summer vacation. Write for particulars. French Lessons, 14 Ferdinand St., Boston.

History 17, History 13, Political Economy 1. Tutoring.

J. A. BAILEY, 31 Stoughton.39 2

SPECIAL NOTICE TO STUDENTS AND OTHERS.- The picture framing business now in Hilton's block, Harvard street, will be carried on after April 1, at Roberts block, 13 Brattle street, Cambridge, where a continuance of the patronage of my many friends is respectfully solicited.

A. MORGAN.It is curious to note how some "fad" in men's clothes will run through the college, and one often wonders where it starts; for if they can get it before it becomes common they appreciate it. There are many new things for the coming season which are already "the thing" in London; and we make a specialty of keeping posted upon all the changes in dress. Our stock is selected from special patterns shown only to the few fine houses in this country. Our prices are moderate, 10 per cent discount for cash, and we desire your patronage. FRANK D. SOMERS, 5 Park Street, Boston.

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