The Sophomore Crew.


The sophomores are at present rowing but eight men. Other men, however, as is the case with all the crews, are expected later, men who at present are either among the 'Varsity candidates, or, for one reason or another, are not rowing. Of last year's '90 crew, Herrick, the stroke, is now out West, but will be in his old place shortly. Hutchinson, who rowed seven, will also begin right away. Tilton, six, and Slocum, 5, are with the 'Varsity candidates, and Sears, who rowed four at New London, is not a candidate this year. Sanford, who pulled at three, is now under Captain Pfeiffer, and Matthews, two, has decided not to row this year. This leaves Crehore, the present captain, the only old man in the crew at present.

The eight candidates seem to be rowing pretty well considering the constant changes which have been made in their make-up. The men complain considerably about the new rowing room. The machines, they say, are utterly bad. It is also disadvantageous for the two bow men to row around the corner, owing to the shortness of the room. Considering these hindrances, the time of the crew is fairly good. As a whole, the men are inclined to row short and are slow about getting their arms away.

Following is given the crew and a few remarks upon each man:

Stroke-Hartridge. 158

7. Tyson. 156

6. Lothrop. 160

5. Sturgis. 175

4. Barnes. 156

3. Crehore. 143

2. Gorham. 154

Bow-Vaughan. 160

Stroke. Doesn't get a good catch. Must get his hands away quicker. Must keep knees under him and not let them flop about.

7. Drops out at the full reach. Doesn't get hands away quick enough. Doesn't get his head on at beginning of stroke, and rows short.

6. Time is bad. Queer motion of elbows and shoulders. Doesn't get head on. Shoots too slowly and keeps arms bent.

5. Doesn't always finish the stroke. Doesn't swing from his hips. Doesn't get head on. Must use his toe straps.

4. Doesn't swing on well with body. Meets. Doesn't make use of toe-straps. Doesn't sit up and rows short. His time is bad.

3. Rows short. Doesn't get arms away quick enough. Is inclined to hang at full reach.

2. Rows short. Doesn't get head on. Meets. Doesn't use toe straps. Doesn't use his shoulders firmly. Bad time.

Bow. Rows short. Inclined to meet. Fails to get a good finish.

The captain has done most of the coaching, but has been somewhat assisted by Sanford, Slocum and Tilton. Fales will probably steer the crew.

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