Fact and Rumor.


Prof. E. J. Ferris, the sparring master, is in Cambridge.

Seagrave, '85, has been elected captain of the Brown nine.

About a dozen men are practising for a chance on the nine at Brown.

Vinton, who pitched for the Philadelphias this summer, has entered Yale '88.

The Amherst Glee Club employs Prof. Sumner of Worcester as teacher and leader.

The University of Wisconsin has won the Western college championship in base ball.

A Blaine and Logan Club of 45 members has been organized in the Law School.

Three-fifths of the five hundred students at Cornell march in the Blaine and Logan ranks.

Williams is agitating the question of applying for admission to the College base ball league.

The balls used at the intercollegiate tournament were not regulation, being heavy and very dead.

The Cleveland and Hendricks Club of the Law School has voted not to parade in any procession this fall.

Thirty-five candidates presented themselves for the freshman crew at the meeting on Tuesday evening.

The Garfield memorial window at Williams, has been finished at a cost of three thousand six hundred and forty-five dollars.

On Sundays the hours for meals at Memorial are as follows: Breakfast, 8.30 to 9.30; lunch, 12.30 to 1.30; dinner, 5.30 to 6.30.

Every student whom the canvassers have not seen should go to 21 Thayer, south entry, between 10 A. M. and 3 P. M. today and vote.

The entries made thus far for the scratch races are 12 for senior eights, 21 for freshman eights, and two crews of four men.

Mr. Taylor endeavored, against the advice of a doctor to keep on playing in the tennis tournament after his mishap, but found it impossible to hold his racquet.

Only three students have elected Political Economy 5, Unless another man is induced to take the course before November 15, it will be omitted for this year.

The Bagner-Wild system of drawing, now so much used in tennis tournaments, brings all the byes in the first round. This is done by drawing a certain number to play and giving the rest byes, so that when the round is over the number remaining in is a power of two, which always leaves an even number at the end of each round until the winner stands alone.

At a meeting of the Blaine and Logan club of the Law School yesterday afternoon the following officers were elected: President, C. R. Saunders of Cambridge; vice president, S. Norris, Jr., of Bristol, R. I.; secretary, T. C. Batchelder of Boston. The club voted to parade in the regular Republican torchlight procession and a committee consisting of the president, Bertram Ellis, and H. H. Crapo, is to have charge of all the arrangements for the parade.

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