Special Notices.

All notices published under this head except "Lost' and "Found" notices must be paid for before insertion.


Attention is called to the advertisement of H. L. Hurlbut, Tailor, 125 Tremont St., Boston.

J. F. Noera has removed to Holyoke Street, opposite Holyoke House, where he will continue his business as susual.

If the man who recently took a coat from hook No. 134, Boylston Laboratory will kindly send to No. 3 Gray a brass key contained in one of the pockets : no questions will be asked, either relative to the coat or other articles taken from the same hook some time ago.

J. Dudley Hall, Organist of the Church of St. John the Evangelist, Boston, will receive pupils in pianofe, organ playing, and harmony. Thorough grounding in harmony and technical principles guaranteed. 125 Tremont St., room 8, Boston.

The most comlete and reliable establishment for repairing clothes is at J. F. Noera's. His new steam naphtha process for cleansing clothes is ne plus ultra. Holvoke Street, opp. Holyoke House.

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