Fact and Rumor.


It is said that Andover has a much weaker team than last year.

A Roman Catholic university is to be founded at Washington, D. C.

An illustrated paper, similar to the Lampoon, is being talked of at Columbia.

Prof. Dyer's reading from the Hecuba will be postponed from this evening for one week.

The Pierian-Glee Club concert will be given this evening. An excellent programme is expected.

Special make up examinations in Eng. 7, Phil. 1 and 14, will be held at 9.15 A.M. in Mass. 3, June 3.

The faculty have voted that examinations shall begin at 9.15 A.M. instead of 10, as heretofore.

The men who took Latin 2, '83-'84, will find their theses in the lower left hand drawer of the desk in Sever 14.

The second N. H. VIII. excursion will take place to-day to Quincy. Trains leave Old Colony Depot at 1.50 P.M.

The freshman nine will play to-day as follows: Foss, 2b.; Holden, 3b.; Gallivan, s. s.; Hallowell, l. f.; Ingersoll, c. f.; Austin, r. f. Substitutes, Crocker, and Taylor.

Collegiate championship games will be played to-day as follows: Amherst vs. Princeton at Princeton; Brown vs. Yale at New Haven.

The lacrosse team has arranged for a game with the second twelve to-day, and with the Cambridge team to-morrow on the grounds of the later.

A bust of Charles Russell Lowell who served in the Rebellion as Colonel of the Second Massachusetts Cavalry, will be presented to the college by the officers of that regiment. It will be placed on the vacant bracket in the west end of Memorial, before commencement.

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