

ADVOCATE meeting, 7 p. m., Holworthy 23. Very important.

HARVARD REPUBLICAN CLUB. - There will be a meeting in Sanders Theatre, Feb. 12, at 7.45 p. m. to celebrate Lincoln's Birthday. Hon. F. T. Greenshalge will deliver the address and members of the University and all others are invited to attend. The seats will be free.

SECRETARY.FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB. - Rehearsal at .00 p. m.

The third winter meeting of the Brookline High School Athletic Association will be held in Upper Town Hall, Brookline, Thursday, Feb. 25, 1892.

It is probable that the Columbia College Dramatic Club will give a series of entertainments this year for the benefit of the Athletic Union of the College.

Professor George F. Baker, of the University of Pennsylvania, has been appointed by President Harrison as a member of the commission to test the coinage.

Columbia has a promising candidate for intercollegiate honors, in H. T. Harding, who distinguished himself at the Madison Square Garden, by winning the seventy-five yard dash from Vredenburg and other well known sprinters.

Professor Henry W. Rolfe of the University of Pennsylvania and Edward T. Devine, staff lecturer of the American Society for the Extension of University Teaching, have been invited to deliver each a course of lectures at the Oxford summer meeting in the month of August

The 'varsity crew rowed yesterday as follows:

1st crew. 2d crew.

Ninde, Stroke. Weed.

Rantoul, 7 Saltonstall.

Cummings, 6 Waters.

Kelton, 5 Grant.

Slade 4 Williams.

Newell, 3 Johnson.

Bond, 2 Hickman.

Cauthorne, bow.

The University of Minnesota has adopted a new plan of selecting speakers for commencement. There will be a series of oratorical contests during the year, to ascertain the oratorical merits of the senior class. The ten members standing highest in these contests will represent the class as orators on the commencement stage. Honor men will not appear unless they be numbered among the ten.

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