During the twelve weeks which yet remain before the date of the spring race we may expect to see a good deal of effectual work put in by the various class crews. The eights at this early date seem to be very evenly matched, promising a close and exciting race, if all the crews work regularly and train faithfully for the rest of the period before the race. Judging from former years, the river will open about the 10th of March, so that the crews will have about three weeks more in the gymnasium, leaving nine weeks for work on the water. The change from the gymnasium to the river will be gladly welcomed by all of the men, for besides the monotony of the rowing weights, much inconvenience is experienced because of the shortness of the time for practice allowed each crew. Although there are two sets of weights in the rowing room, one set is reserved exclusively for the use of the University crew, so that but one crew can row at a time, and only about twenty minutes is allowed each crew. At present the University rows at 4.20, the freshmen at 4.40, the juniors at 5, and the seniors at 5.20, while the sophomores manage to get in before the University, at about 4 o'clock. As the crews have changed materially, both in men and in form, since they were last commented upon in the HERALD, a few words as to their present condition may not be out of place.

The seniors commenced regular work under Capt. Cabot last Monday, but most of the men have been doing some work ever since the beginning of the term. The crew is at present constituted as follows: Bow, Sessions, 151 lbs.; 2, H. B. Cabot, 157 lbs.; 3, Codman, 158 lbs.; 4, Binney, 156 lbs.; 5, Baxter, 177 lbs.; 6, Hubbard, 175 lbs.; 7, E. T. Cabot (capt.), 183 lbs.; stroke, S. Coolidge, 158 lbs.; cox., S. P. Sanger. Average weight, 164 3/8 lbs. It will thus be seen that the crew is a heavy one, averaging three or four pounds heavier than last year. As they have but recently commenced to row as a crew, they have not yet become shaken together, so that there are several breaks in the time. They are at present doing the elementary work, rowing a few strokes by numbers, and then a few with stiff arms. They do not yet row the full stroke with the slide. The men seem to be well matched, and will make an evenly graded eight.

The names of the junior crew have been published in these columns within a few days, so that a repetition is unnecessary. The crew is somewhat lighter than last year, owing to the loss of Mumford, Woodward and Wesselhoeft; still the eight will average between 158 and 160 pounds. They are rowing with slides, and with a slow stroke - about 27 to the minute. As a general thing the form is excellent for this time of the year. The catch is firm and sharp, and the time in general is good, although there are one or two men who are apt to get tired, and break up the uniformity of the stroke. The slides are held very well, with a few exceptions. Seven's time is often poor, and bow has not yet settled into an easy motion.

The sophomores are at present rowing as follows: Bow, Mills, 145 lbs.; 2, Sutton, 158 lbs.; 3, Homans, 163 lbs.; 4, Bowen, 156 lbs.; 5, J. E. Thayer, 158; 6, Batten, 170 lbs.; 7, Storrow, (capt.) 163 lbs.; stroke, Keith, 161 lbs.; cox., Whiteside; substitutes, Hansen, 155 lbs., E. D. Marsh, 160 lbs.; average, 159 lbs. This crew is rowing at present with the slides, about 29 strokes per minute. The general appearance of the crew, looking "bows on" is very irregular, several of the men swinging out of line continually; furthermore only half of the crew get a decisive snap on the catch, two, three, four and six being deficient in this particular. The three stern men row well together, but in the bow the time is bad. Stroke pulls in excellent form, with an even motion and firm catch. Several of the men manage their shoulders badly and nearly all need coaching on the slides.

The freshmen are rowing as follows: Bow, Upham, 138 lbs.; 2, Vogel, 154 lbs.; 3, Latham, 139 lbs.; 4, Hartley, 170 lbs.; 5, Barnes, 175 lbs.; 6, Borland, (capt.) 177 lbs.; 7, Hamlin, 176 lbs.; stroke, Harris, 157 lbs.; cox., C. F. Bigelow; average, 160 3/4 lbs. Ayer (154), the regular number three, is temporarily laid up. There are also four extra men who row in the evening - Delafield, Guild, Boyden and C. A. Brown. The crew have been on the slides about two weeks, rowing a rather fast stroke, about 31 or 32 to the minute. The crew has yet a somewhat ragged appearance caused by the men not swinging straight fore and aft. This, although simply a matter of appearance in the gymnasium, becomes very important in a narrow shell. There is a general tendency throughout the boat, and particularly so with number seven, and one or two others to hurry the recover and hang at the full reach. The time is good in the stern and waist, but poor in the bow. Number five has improved much in form, but gets a slow catch, and number two rows in a jerky manner. Numbers four, six and eight are especially noticeable for their general good form.

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