WHEN the club system was abandoned last fall, the Executive Committee was instructed to provide some other system, and the property of the clubs was handed over to it to be used for the best advantage of boating. Since class races in eights have been arranged for, the club boats are left idle, and the Committee has ordered that several boats of each kind be put into first-rate order for the use of those who wish to go on the river, and who are not on the class crews.

There will be thirty tickets offered at five dollars apiece, entitling the holder to use the repaired boats for the spring season. Should more than thirty be required, the extra tickets will be six dollars apiece. The increase of price is necessitated by the great expense at which the Committee will be to prepare boats for so many men.

There are to be nineteen seats provided, so that all will be able to get out when they please. The boats will be ready for use immediately after the vacation, and will be supplied with good oars and sculls.

The Committee will let any boat with oars, for the exclusive use of a crew, at reasonable rates. Two four-oared boats have already been let in this way.

The Committee will do all in its power to make the rowing agreeable, and trusts that the great improvement in accommodations will attract many men.


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