Baconian Scholar Wants Debate With Whole University if Shaksperean Authority Declines


Undaunted by the lack of interest displayed in the past at his fulminations concerning the authorship of the Shaksperean works, Philip F. Samuels, Baconian scholar and author of "Man v' Ape in the Play of Ear ce Rammed" again faces the world with the following challenge to debate:

"Resolved: That Bacon wrote 'Shakespeare'. The undersigned to take the affirmative and Professor Kittredge to take the negative, the challenge to be accepted within two weeks from date, and the debate to be held publicly in any of the University buildings in Cambridge.

Phillp F. Samuels

"P. S. If Professor Kittredge is unwilling to accept the challenge--I'll take on the whole University. That is, I'll speak one hour, and give the floor one hour for questions."

For the benefit of those who have not followed his sensational career, Mr. Samuels is by his own-admission the reincaruation of Mescs, the reincarnation of Francis Bacon, and the modern Messiah, the brother of Christ.

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