Two Speciality Numbers Added to Program of Play


Several changes have been made in the cast of the Hasty Pudding show, "Its Only Natural" and two additional specialty numbers have been announced.

A special pantomine on Pope's "Rape of the Look" will be given in the second act, W. J. Banes '22 and B. W. Currier '22 taking the principal parts.

"My Slant-eyed Cubist Queen" is the second newly added number. It will be sung by Joseph Larocque Jr. '23 assisted by a special-chorus of "cubist queens" composed of D. S. Elisworth '22, J. G. Flint '24, G. L. Paine Jr. '22, and John McDuffie '23.

J. G. Allen '22, who was to take the part of Simpson in the play, now has the part of Barney. Simpson will be played by J. H. S. Moynahan Sp. and D. D. Miller '22 will take the part of the butler.

In the speciality "The Shooting of Dan McGrew", A. K. Train '23 will take the part of Dan McGrew, C. A. Tierney '22 that of the miner, and B. DeL, Nash '24 the part of the "lady known as Lou".

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