
“Comping” The Crimson

If you are a Harvard College student, you are eligible to join, or “comp,” any of The Crimson’s 10 boards: News, Business, Editorial, Arts, Blog, Design, Magazine, Multimedia, Sports, and Technology. Students may comp in both the fall and spring. Please visit our comp website for more information.

What We Print

The Harvard Crimson is the only breakfast-table daily newspaper in Cambridge, Mass. The Crimson publishes every morning, Monday through Friday (except on federal and University holidays) and prints weekly on Fridays. Fifteen Minutes, the magazine of The Crimson, publishes weekly online and prints a monthly glossy edition.

History of The Crimson

The Harvard Crimson, the nation's oldest continuously published daily college newspaper, was founded in 1873 and incorporated in 1967. The newspaper traces its history to the first issue of “The Magenta,” published on Jan. 24, 1873, and changed its name to “The Crimson” to reflect the new color of the College on May 21, 1875. The Crimson has a rich tradition of journalistic integrity and counts among its ranks of editorship some of America's greatest journalists. More than 40 Crimson alumni have won the Pulitzer Prize; many of their portraits line the walls of The Crimson.

The Crimson is proud of its legacy of alumni active in journalism, business, public service, and politics. Past editors include Franklin D. Roosevelt, Class of 1904, John F. Kennedy ’40, J. Anthony Lewis ’48, David Halberstam ’55, Michael Crichton ’64, Don Graham ’65, Linda Greenhouse ’68, Steve Ballmer ’77, Jim Cramer ’77, Mark Whitaker ’79, Susan Chira ’80, and Jeff Zucker ’86. More than 140 years after its founding, having grown from a fortnightly newspaper to a daily, The Harvard Crimson continues to flourish with a strong body of undergraduate staff volunteers.

Our Mission and Ethical Code

As the only daily newspaper of Harvard University and the City of Cambridge, we have a unique obligation to our readers. To serve them ethically, we aim to:

     Report truthfully, without sensationalism

     Reveal as much information we can, including names, without hurting our sources

     Correct our mistakes swiftly and prominently

     Represent a diverse community with our own staff and our coverage

     Report the news while providing opinion on it—separately

     Cover ourselves when the actions of our editors or institution are newsworthy

     Scrutinize our sources and the institutions around us to hold those in power accountable

     Support our business while divorcing it from our journalism

     Recognize that the appearance of a conflict of interest is the same as an actual one

     Contact the individuals and institutions we write about so they may defend themselves

     State what we don’t know

     Keep our promises

This ethics code is a statement of our general principles, and is not intended to cover every situation. Above all, those who represent The Crimson — our editors, reporters, and other staff members — should use common sense and their judgment when confronted with a difficult situation. All Crimson editors are strongly encouraged to consult with the President, the Managing Editor, Business Manager, or the Board Chairs with questions and for advice on any matter relating to ethics or The Crimson’s policies.

In addition to all policies listed here, The Crimson abides by the principles articulated by the Society of Professional Journalists’ code of ethics.

The Crimson’s commitment to ethical journalism relies on the common-sense, rigorous application of these principles by its staff and executives to the varied situations our reporting may encounter. The purpose of this page is to empower and inform our readers about our ethical standards. Accordingly, we have chosen to explicate the principles and practices that guide our most sensitive coverage.

What should I do if The Crimson makes a mistake in a story?

The Harvard Crimson is committed to accuracy in its reporting. In the event that we make a mistake, we are eager to correct the error. When a correction is necessary, it will run in a corrections box on page two of the print paper and at the bottom of the story in question online. Please email Managing Editor Tilly R. Robinson ’26 (managingeditor@thecrimson.com) about corrections. For errors in editorial content, please contact Editorial Chairs Max A. Palys ’26 and Saul I.M. Arnow ’26 (editorial@thecrimson.com).